via Music Business Worldwide: “In the spin-heavy world of music streaming, you?ll no doubt hear both of the above arguments convincingly portrayed in the coming days.

The trigger for their arrival will be the first factual nugget regarding Apple Music?s performance: earlier today, Apple?s Eddy Cue revealed that the platform has attracted 11 million sign-ups in its first five weeks.

That equates to around 315,000 new ?subscribers? per day ? although none of them are paying? yet.

Cue noted that 2 million of these users had opted for Apple Music?s family plan, which allows up to six members of a household to enjoy full access to Apple Music for just $14.99 per month.

So are these numbers a hugely positive first step for Apple, or evidence that the industry?s great hope to accelerate paid-for streaming?s growth around the world has been a damp squib?”

Read the full story @ Music Business Worldwide.